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Alejandro D. Perotti adperotti@alaisdepalacios.com.ar

He is an attorney-at-law graduated from the School of Legal and Social Sciences of the Universidad del Litoral in 1997. Master in "European Community Law" graduated from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain (1999). Doctor of Law graduated Suma Cum Laude from the School of Law of the Austral University with his thesis "Habilitación Constitucional para la Integración Comunitaria" (2003).

Legal Advisor for the MERCOSUR Secretariat (Montevideo, Uruguay, 2003-2006). He was selected by international public bid and appointed by Decision Nº 13/03 of the Common Market Council. Winner of the international public bid for the election of the First Secretary of the Permanent Review Tribunal of MERCOSUR.

Professor in charge of Integration Law at the School of Law, Master of Law and Judicial Magistrate courses of the Austral University.

Professor of the Escuela del Cuerpo de Abogados del Estado (Procuración del Tesoro de la Nación, Buenos Aires), of the Interamerican Open University, of the University of Buenos Aires University, of the Argentine Catholic University, of the 3rd February National University, of the Montevideo University (Uruguay), of the Republic University (Uruguay), among others and of the Simón Bolivar Andean University (in Bolivia). Visiting Professor in several foreign universities of Brazil, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Uruguay and Spain, and courses given by international organizations (OEA, XXXIº course). Author of numerous books (“Habilitación Constitucional para la integración comunitaria” (Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Montevideo, 2004, y Juruá, Brasil, 2007), “El Proceso Legislativo del MERCOSUR” (Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Montevideo, 2004; en coautoría), “Tribunal Permanente de Revisión y Estado de Derecho en el MERCOSUR” (Marcial Pons, Buenos Aires, 2008), “El rol de los tribunales nacionales de los Estados del MERCOSUR” (Advocatus, Córdoba, 2009; co-authored) y “El Derecho originario del MERCOSUR” (Marcial Pons, Buenos Aires, 2011; co-authored), among others.)regarding his field of expertise and of more than 90 articles of doctrine published in national and foreign magazines. He has given over 110 courses, seminars, conferences and lectures in Germany, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Spain, France, Guatemala, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay.

Winner of the prize "Joven Jurista- 2007", granted by the National Academy of Law and Social Sciences of Cordoba, Argentina.

He is a member of the Institute of International Relations, Public International Law and Integration Law as well as of International Public Law and Customs Law, both of them of the Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires. He is a member of the Argentine Institute of Customs Studies, of the Argentine Committee of National and Transnational Arbitration, the Latin-American Association of Public Administration, and International Arbitration and Mediation Center "Manuel Belgrano"(CIAM), Instituto dos Advogados Brasileiros (Comissão Permanente de Direito da Integração), Rio de Janeiro, Brasil , among others.

He is a member of the Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires.

Professional Experience

Estudio Mansueti, Sallette y Gallo (2007-2009)
Legal consultant for the MERCOSUR Secretariat (2003/2006)

Academic Background

Doctor of Laws, Austral University, Suma Cum Laude Diploma, 2003.
Master in European Community Law, Complutense University of Madrid, 1999.
Attorney-at-law, Litoral National University, 1997.
Scholarship holder of the Austral University; the Argentine National Ministry of Education (Argentina 1998-1999) and the Humboldt Foundation (Germany 2008).

Teaching Experience

Austral University – Integration Law Professor.
Office of the Attorney for the National Treasury, Professor at the Escuela del Cuerpo de Abogados del Estado.
of the 3rd February National University
University of Buenos Aires – Integration Law Professor.
Argentine Catholic University – Integration Law Professor.
University of Montevideo and Republic University, Uruguay – Integration Law Professor.
Simón Bolivar Andean University, Bolivia – Integration Law Professor”


Spanish, Portuguese and French.

Published Articles

“El Laudo 1/12 del TPR y la tutela judicial cautelar previa en el MERCOSUR”, en “Integración y Derecho Internacional Privado – Homenaje a Roberto Ruíz Díaz Labrano”, Asunción, 2013
“El acceso al Tribunal Fiscal de la Nación por el monto (artículo 1025 CA), el control de constitucionalidad y el derecho del MERCOSUR”, Revista de Estudios Aduaneros Nº 21, Buenos Aires, 2013
“La obligatoriedad de las opiniones consultivas emitidas por el Tribunal Permanente de Revisión del MERCOSUR”, en “Estudios de Derecho aduanero. Homenaje a los 30 años del Código Aduanero”, Buenos Aires, 2011
“Algunos desafíos que presenta la constitución de un tribunal de justicia comunitario”, El Derecho del 14/03/2011, Buenos Aires
El Código Aduanero del MERCOSUR: algunos aspectos normativos y jurisdiccionales, Guía Práctica de Comercio Exterior Nº 175, Buenos Aires, 2010
El principio de primacía del derecho del MERCOSUR en las tres primeras Opiniones Consultivas del Tribunal Permanente de Revisión, en “Derecho internacional, derecho comunitario y derechos humanos” homenaje al Profesor Doctor José Luis Molina Quesada San José, Costa Rica, 2009.
¿Quién paga los costos del incumplimiento de las sentencias del Tribunal Permanente de Revisión (MERCOSUR)? Responsabilidad del Estado por violación del Derecho de la integración, EDA (El Derecho – Administrativo) 2009, 485-545
Rol de los abogados y jueces en las Opiniones Consultivas al Tribunal Permanente de Revisión del MERCOSUR. Valor jurídico de las Opiniones Consultivas. Acordada Nº 13/08 de la Corte Suprema, Errepar, Buenos Aires, 2009.
"Crisis financiera, MERCOSUR y el MAC (salvaguardias)", La Ley, 2008.

Published Books and Collaborations

Habilitación Constitucional para la Integración Comunitaria, Co Autor, Fundación Konrad Adenauer, 2004.
El Proceso Legislativo del MERCOSUR, Fundación Konrad Adenauer, 2004.
Tribunal Permanente de Revisión y Estado de Derecho en el MERCOSUR, Ediciones Marcial Pons, 2008.
El Rol de los Tribunales Nacionales de los Estados del MERCOSUR, Co Autor, Ediciones Advocatus, 2009.

Our Professionals

Horacio F. Alais halais@alaisdepalacios.com.ar

He is an attorney-at-law graduated from the Argentine Catholic University, Santa María de los Buenos Aires...

Vicente de Palacios vdp@alaisdepalacios.com.ar

He is an Attorney-at-law graduated from the Belgrano University in 1995, and also as Master of Law ...

Ricardo Torres Brizuela rtb@alaisdepalacios.com.ar

He is an attorney-at-law graduated from the Argentine Catholic University...

Alejandro Perotti adperotti@alaisdepalacios.com.ar

He is an attorney-at-law graduated from the School of Legal and Social Sciences of the Universidad...

Juan de Aguirre jdeaguirre@alaisdepalacios.com.ar

He is an attorney-at-law graduated from the School of Law and Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires ...

Santiago Alais sa@alaisdepalacios.com.ar

He is an attorney-at-law graduated from the Belgrano University...