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About Us

Alais & de Palacios & Torres Brizuela, is a law firm specialized in Customs, White Collar Crimes, MERCOSUR Legal Regime and Foreign Trade Law.

Our exclusive dedication to these areas of practice enables us to provide excellence in our services by giving priority to personal attention and quick response to our clients.

The background of our members who served in various areas of the public administration and as university professors provide an added value reflected in the quality of the services rendered. This has led its attorneys-at-law to provide assistance and advice to several government agencies in custom matters as well as to Argentine Congress and MERCOSUR Parlament commissions regarding foreign trade issues and regional integration.

Academic Activities 2014

During this hear (2014) the members of our law firm will be giving classes in the following educational institutions:
Austral University
Argentine Catholic University (UCA)
University of Buenos Aires (UBA)
ICBC Fundation
La Plata National University (UNLP)
Universidad Abierta Interamericana

Lastest News

Our Law Firm between the bests in the country

Alais, de Palacios & Torres Brizuela has again been ranked in APERTURA magazine as one of the best in custom law (2014).

Participación en la XXXIª SO PM

Alejandro D. Perotti participó en la XXXIª sesión ordinaria del Parlamento del MERCOSUR, llevada a cabo el 7 de julio de 2014, en Montevideo, Uruguay. Asimismo, estuvo presente en la 3ª reunión ordinaria de la Comisión de Asuntos Jurídicos e Institucionales del Parlamento del MERCOSUR....

Muchas críticas al Mercosur, pero temor para abandonarlo

La Cámara de Comercio Paraguayo-Americana realizó ayer el panel-debate Mercosur - To be, or not to be (ser o no ser) donde se lanzaron furibundas...

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